Wellness Retreats

Retreats With Lasting Impacts

Wellness Retreats in Sedona

Wellness isn't often an inherent desire of a group meeting, but sometimes it is necessary to help to bring it to the forefront of travel planning and really think about what kind of nourishing activities you and your team need. You may be in need of a spa or yoga time-out or pushing yourselves to get the adrenaline pumping with the help of a guided experience on a river, mountain bike, or even climbing rope. You will be able to find yourselves under a night sky, where you can see the Milky Way clearly. Whatever you choose, make sure to pair it with a comfortable stay, fine meal, and craft cocktail at the end of the day when you stay at The Wilde Resort and Spa. 

Sedona is the ideal place for wellness and self-care in its many forms. Take care of yourself and your team, and make your retreat what you want and need it to be.